The Author's Story

Lori Ann Nelson

spent much of her early childhood under the Southern Texas sun; chasing bugs with dirt-covered hands, accompanying her parents on day trips to remote places, and playing superheroes with the kids at church. When she wasn't outside looking for critters in her family's conservation garden or climbing over rocks, her attention was on devouring every book that came into her hands. She was often guilty of staying up too late with a flashlight to finish 'just one more chapter.'

Her family moved further North into the snowy winters of the Mid-Atlantic states during her teen years where she rode horses, worked in the children's ministry at her church, and took longer adventures with her family. Trips seeing gators in swamps, sights at a space station, and repeatedly getting caught in various types of severe weather fueled her imagination beyond the experiments she built at home. Books only served to grow that imagination into distant worlds until she began dreaming up stories of various genres.

Her urge to tell stories grew until the little girl who had once written a story with only scribbles turned into a teenager testing and studying how to write fiction stories well. With encouragement from writing friends and her parents, she finally found her passion for science fiction. She reached her goal of becoming an author of a short story containing sci-fi elements by high school graduation, celebrating its release in an anthology with other young writers.

Now back in her favorite place; Lori Ann spends her time exploring the Texas outdoors with her camera, volunteering with online ministries, and growing plants. She enjoys listening to music, watching storms roll by, exploring new places, and hanging out with friends.

Her nonfiction writing consists of posting on social media to encourage her fellow chronic illness warriors. Whatever health struggles her readers are going through, she writes to advocate for them and ensure they do not feel alone or unseen. Her fiction writing is filled with strange worlds, plots for adventurers, and tropes such as found family. No matter what trouble her characters might be getting into, Lori Ann loves to leave her readers with stories of hope and courage.

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